Eduard Milushi, Developer in Tirana, Tirana County, Albania
Eduard is available for hire
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Eduard Milushi

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Software Developer

Tirana, Tirana County, Albania
Toptal Member Since
May 19, 2016

Eduard是一名熟练的PHP开发人员和WordPress专家,拥有超过十年的实践经验, and he seamlessly blends coding excellence with a holistic approach. 我是两个孩子的父亲,也是马拉松和综合健身的爱好者, 他为每个项目带来了实用的专业知识和卓越的承诺.


Q4intelligence, LLC
HubSpot, HubSpot CRM, Jira, HubSpot COS, HubSpot Marketing Hub, JavaScript...
Revenue Ops LLC
HubSpot CRM, APIs, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Node.js, Express.js, React...
Icon Power LLC
WordPress, PHP, WordPress插件,WordPress主题,WordPress API,网页设计...




Preferred Environment

MySQL, MacOS, PHP, JavaScript, WordPress, Agile, Pipelines, JetBrains, Laravel, HubSpot

The most amazing...

...project is the one that I am currently working with, a full web solution for a car rental company built with Laravel, Vue, and Tailwind CSS.

Work Experience

Lead Engineer

2022 - PRESENT
Q4intelligence, LLC
  • Fixed bugs on different existing websites built on HubSpot and WordPress.
  • 使用Harvest, Slack和Jira来跟踪正在进行的任务并与团队进行交互.
  • Helped other developers to implement cron jobs on WordPress.
  • 重构了三个自定义WordPress插件,考虑了可扩展性和安全性.
  • 创建了一个自定义WordPress插件来连接HubSpot CRM并处理会员订阅.
  • Added new features and overwrote functionalities from MemberPress, LearnDash and BuddyBoss using WordPress hooks.
Technologies: HubSpot, HubSpot CRM, Jira, HubSpot COS, HubSpot Marketing Hub, JavaScript, Responsive Design, Google Search Console, WordPress API, Sass, HTML5, CSS, CSS3, WordPress, PHP, PSD to WordPress, PhpStorm, GitHub, Pipelines, Gulp, YARN, Node.js, HubDB, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), HubSpot API, WordPress Plugins, Composer, Webpack 4, Figma, Jira Administration, WP Engine, PayPal API, Stripe API, ACH Payments, WordPress Design, Elementor, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress Page Builder, Stripe, WordPress Optimization, WordPress REST API, WordPress Multi-user, HTML to WordPress, Gutenberg Editor, Front-end, Content Management Systems (CMS), API Integration, Kanban, WebStorm, iTerm2, Performance Optimization

HubSpot CRM Developer

2024 - 2024
Revenue Ops LLC
  • Developed a web application using Node.js, Express.. js、React、MongoDB和Docker,以方便HubSpot帐户之间的数据迁移或CSV下载.
  • 配置了对大型数据集的支持,并确保没有达到HubSpot API的限制.
  • Implemented authentication, secured MongoDB, and installed Let's Encrypt.
  • Configured NGINX as a reverse proxy for the front end.
  • 监督200多万条记录从两个不同的HubSpot账户成功迁移到另一个HubSpot账户. Migrated data included calls, notes, meetings, communications, emails, tasks, postal mail, and quotes.
  • 成功将大约100万条记录从HubSpot下载为CSV格式.
Technologies: HubSpot CRM, APIs, JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Node.js, Express.js, React, Material UI, CSV, MongoDB, Mongoose, Docker, GitHub, DigitalOcean, Droplets, NGINX, Axios, Bcrypt, Dotenv, Cookies, JSON, JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

WordPress Expert

2022 - 2023
Icon Power LLC
  • 将一家太阳能行业公司的网站从GoDaddy迁移到WP Engine.
  • 将公司网站和外部工具从Universal Analytics迁移到Google Analytics 4.
  • 清理了Google标签管理器,并根据公司需要添加了其他自定义事件.
  • Fixed custom design bugs on the company's WordPress website.
  • 创建新的UI元素,并将其集成到现有的WordPress主题中.
  • Made some refactoring of the existing WordPress theme.
  • Installed and configured WP Rocket for better speed and performance.
Technologies: WordPress, PHP, WordPress插件,WordPress主题,WordPress API,网页设计, Scrum, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, PhpStorm, GitHub, Pipelines, Gulp, YARN, Node.js, WordPress Design, Elementor, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WP Engine, WordPress Page Builder, SEO Tools, WordPress Optimization, HTML to WordPress, Gutenberg Editor, Front-end, Content Management Systems (CMS), API Integration, Kanban, iTerm2, Performance Optimization

Freelance Web Developer

2014 - 2019
  • Installed, configured, and managed the Apache and Nginx web servers.
  • 为不同的公司客户从零开始创建了50多个Joomla模板.
  • Built more than 10 WordPress themes from scratch for company clients.
  • Developed WordPress plugins for company clients, 就像一个常见问题插件,生成自定义的帖子类型,并在前端使用PHP输出它们, Bootstrap, and a WordPress API.
  • Modified and configured different Joomla components and modules like K2, VirtueMart, DJ Media-Tools, and DJ catalog.
  • Migrated more than ten Joomla websites from Joomla 1.5, Joomla 2.5, to Joomla 3.x.
  • 对现有的Joomla模板和WordPress主题实现了100多个自定义.
Technologies: Model View Controller (MVC), MVC Design, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Subversion (SVN), Vagrant, Composer, HTML, Atom, APIs, Varnish, Memcached, NGINX, JSON, SCSS, HubL, HubSpot, Git, Linux, Windows, PrestaShop, Yii 2, Laravel, PayPal API, ZURB Foundation, Apache, jQuery, jQuery UI, SQL, JavaScript, Linux Mint, MySQL, Sass, Less, CSS3, CSS, HTML5, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Joomla, WordPress, PHP, Responsive Design, Google Search Console, cPanel, WordPress API, WooCommerce, Bootstrap, Servers, Google Analytics API, PHP Frameworks, React, Web Project Management, PhpStorm, WordPress Design, Elementor, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), SEO Audits, SEO Tools, Webflow, WordPress Optimization, HTML to WordPress, Webflow CMS, Drupal, Front-end, Content Management Systems (CMS), Booking Systems, API Integration, Nuxt.js, iTerm2, Performance Optimization

WordPress and WooCommerce Developer

2017 - 2018
Quick Weight Loss Centers LLC
  • Integrated Contact Form 7, WordPress plugin, with Dynamic Yield.
  • 将联系人表单7与Zapier合并,以便根据用户在表单上先前选择的选项向特定号码发送传真.
  • 使用PHP, jQuery和Contact form 7插件创建动态预订表单.
  • Supported company updating and maintaining their WooCommerce online shop.
  • Made a user-action track and integrated it with Dynamic Yield.
Technologies: HTML, Windows, jQuery, JavaScript, Less, CSS3, CSS, HTML5, PHP, WooCommerce, WordPress, Wrike, Agile, Responsive Design, Bootstrap, PhpStorm, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), WordPress Design, Elementor, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WordPress Page Builder, WordPress Optimization, WordPress eCommerce, HTML to WordPress, Front-end, Content Management Systems (CMS), Kanban, iTerm2, Performance Optimization

WordPress Developer

2016 - 2018
  • Worked with PayPal and Stripe API for online payment.
  • Built a location-based search functionality using Google Maps.
  • Developed and designed a subscription-based web application on WordPress.
  • Created WordPress pagination using jQuery and Ajax.
  • 创建了一个插件,允许注册用户从WordPress前端创建帖子(在项目中称为艺术品).).
Technologies: HTML, APIs, Windows, Facebook API, PayPal API, jQuery, JavaScript, MySQL, Sass, Less, WordPress API, CSS3, CSS, HTML5, PHP, WordPress, Responsive Design, Google Search Console, Bootstrap, Servers, PhpStorm, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), WordPress Design, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Stripe API, WordPress Optimization, WordPress Multi-user, HTML to WordPress, Front-end, Content Management Systems (CMS), API Integration, iTerm2, Performance Optimization

WordPress and PHP Developer

2016 - 2018
Big Orange Lab
  • 根据客户端提供的设计从零开始创建了许多WordPress主题.
  • 从头开始开发自定义Joomla模板,除了Bootstrap之外没有使用任何框架.
  • Made different Joomla modules for an existing B2B website.
  • 将Joomla网站转换为WordPress,从头开始构建一个全新的主题,同时保留所有现有数据.
  • 使用PHP PDO在IIS上使用MS SQL从头开始构建自定义PHP应用程序.
  • 更新一个自定义PHP分类应用程序以使用最新的PHP版本.
  • Modified and created different WordPress plugins and widgets.
  • 将自定义PHP应用程序与社交媒体集成在一起,使用户可以使用自己喜欢的社交网络登录或注册应用程序.
  • Created an integration using the PHP HTTP client Guzzle.
Technologies: Model View Controller (MVC), MVC Design, Subversion (SVN), Vagrant, Composer, HTML, APIs, JSON, SCSS, Git, Linux, Windows, Facebook API, jQuery, jQuery UI, SQL, JavaScript, MySQL, Sass, Less, Bootstrap, WordPress API, CSS3, CSS, HTML5, Microsoft SQL Server, PHP, Joomla, WordPress, Responsive Design, Google Search Console, cPanel, Servers, PSD to WordPress, PHP Frameworks, B2B, Web Project Management, PhpStorm, GitHub, Pipelines, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), WordPress Design, Elementor, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), WP Engine, Bootstrap to WordPress, WordPress Page Builder, SEO Tools, WordPress Optimization, Sketch to WordPress, WordPress Multisite, WordPress REST API, AI to WordPress, Sage WordPress Theme, WordPress VIP, HTML to WordPress, GraphQL, Gutenberg Editor, Marketo, Front-end, Content Management Systems (CMS), API Integration, Tailwind CSS, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Kanban, WebStorm, iTerm2, Performance Optimization

WordPress and PHP Developer

2016 - 2017
Vivi Kola
  • Integrated a GeoTracker device with a WordPress website using an API.
  • Created an online shop using WordPress and WooCommerce.
  • Oversaw more than five WordPress websites under Linux hosting.
  • 管理并添加了基于CakePHP的内部CRM和库存管理应用程序的新功能.
  • Migrated more than ten websites and web applications from Ubuntu 12.04 and PHP 5.5 to Ubuntu 14.04 and PHP 5.6 to PHP 7.1.
Technologies: CakePHP, Model View Controller (MVC), MVC Design, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Subversion (SVN), Vagrant, Composer, HTML, APIs, JSON, SCSS, Git, Linux, Windows, Apache, jQuery, jQuery UI, JavaScript, MySQL, Sass, WordPress API, CSS3, CSS, HTML5, WooCommerce, PHP, WordPress, Responsive Design, Google Search Console, Bootstrap, Servers, PSD to WordPress, PHP Frameworks, PhpStorm, WordPress Design, Elementor, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Stripe API, Bootstrap to WordPress, Stripe, WordPress Optimization, WordPress REST API, WordPress eCommerce, WordPress Multi-user, HTML to WordPress, Front-end, Content Management Systems (CMS), API Integration, Amazon Web Services (AWS), iTerm2, Performance Optimization

Web Developer | Marketing Manager | Trainer

2013 - 2014
Institution of Training and Career — ITK Albania
  • Created a new Joomla-based website for the company.
  • Configured an Apache and MySQL Server with Varnish for best performance.
  • Constructed all the company branding materials: Brochures, business cards, flyers, roll-ups, and other outdoor designs.
  • Increased the company's online presence by using SEO and SMM techniques.
  • 为公司使用的邮件营销制作了HTML, CSS, PHP和SQL应用程序.
  • Developed a JavaScript, PHP, 和SQL应用程序生成学员证书并存储在本地数据库中.
  • 根据公司的品牌和活动创建了100多个电子邮件营销模板.
Technologies: Model View Controller (MVC), MVC Design, HTML, Windows, Apache, jQuery, SQL, JavaScript, CSS3, CSS, HTML5, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Joomla, PHP, Responsive Design, Google Search Console, cPanel, Bootstrap, Servers, PSD to WordPress, Google Analytics, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), HTML to WordPress, Front-end, Content Management Systems (CMS), iTerm2, Performance Optimization

Web Developer | General Manager

2012 - 2013
Teater Kame
  • Created a new website for the company using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP for contact and booking forms.
  • Increased the company's online presence using SEO techniques.
  • Expanded the company's social media presence using SMM techniques.
  • Crafted a unique company visual presence by designing the company logo, flyers, menus, brochures, and business cards.
  • Built a landing page using PHP, jQuery, HTML, and CSS for a new year's eve event with a countdown option.
Technologies: HTML, Windows, jQuery, JavaScript, CSS3, CSS, HTML5, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Responsive Design, Google Search Console, PHP, Servers, PSD to WordPress, Events, HTML to WordPress, Front-end, Content Management Systems (CMS), iTerm2, Performance Optimization

Custom Online Shop with WooCommerce
A custom online shop built using WordPress, WooCommerce, SCSS, and Bootstrap as a CSS framework with a unique design. Using WordPress and WooCommerce APIs, 我将在线商店与基于CakePHP的内部库存应用程序连接起来.

WordPress Website | Sharad Technologies

我在创纪录的30小时内修改了现有WordPress模板的整个设计, including providing design ideas and converting them to code.

I also added custom features to the theme, 比如自定义WordPress字段和自定义主题选项,这些都可以由客户端通过WordPress Customize进行管理,而不需要编写任何代码.

The client is very happy, and his comment on my work is shown below:

"Dear Eduard, I will admit this. 你的工作为我们的产品创造了奇迹,我觉得我们已经得到了最好的网站和一些惊人的展示."

Twitter Bootstrap Theme | Amla
It's one of the last projects that I'm still working on. It's an HTML/CSS template coded and designed by me. The template is created using Twitter Bootstrap, PHP, Ajax用于联系表单和一些外部jQuery插件,如Packery.

I will create a Joomla and a WordPress version of it.

Custom Responsive Design for VirtueMart Joomla Component
基于Joomla网站上其他页面使用的现有Joomla模板,为Joomla网站上的VirtueMart组件及其所有模块实现了定制设计. All the work is done using Joomla override techniques.

Free WordPress Plugin

It also has several options:
1) To choose a vertical and horizontal view with the carousel.

WordPress Website, SEO, and Blogging
This was previously my company that I started from scratch. I created the website designs and installed, managed, and configured Apache with Nginx as a reverse proxy. Also, I completely build the company website using WordPress.

Custom WordPress Plugin

A WordPress plugin that needs to be installed into websites to work. It first adds a post thumbnail to the RSS feed, 然后,这两个网站可以通过显示带有缩略图的帖子列表来交换他们的最新帖子, a title, and the link to the post on the other website.

2009 - 2011

Master's Degree in Agricultural Management

Agricultural University of Tirana - Tirana, Albania

2004 - 2009

Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Management

Agricultural University of Tirana - Tirana, Albania

MAY 2021 - JUNE 2023

Certified HubSpot CMS Developer



WordPress Gutenberg Blocks for Beginners



MVC Frameworks for Building PHP Web Applications



Get Ahead in PHP: PHP 7 Features and Frameworks



Learning CakePHP 3



PHP: Object-Oriented Programming (2013)


Google Analytics Platform Principles



Digital Analytics Fundamentals




Bilanc Shpk


WordPress API, WordPress REST API, jQuery UI, jQuery, Node.js, Stripe, PayPal API, Facebook API, React, Google Analytics API, WooCommerce API, Stripe API, Dotenv


JetBrains, Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), PhpStorm, Composer, Vagrant, Git, Apache, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, WebStorm, GitHub, Gulp, Figma, Gutenberg Editor, Google Analytics, Atom, Subversion (SVN), Varnish, NGINX, PrestaShop, Wrike, Jira, HubSpot COS, WPBakery, Webpack 4, Mongoose


Bootstrap,顺风CSS, CakePHP, ZURB Foundation, Yii 2, Laravel, YARN, next.js, VirtueMart, Express.js, Material UI, JSON Web Tokens (JWT)


HubL, HTML, PHP, Sass, HTML5, CSS3, CSS, Less, SCSS, JavaScript, SQL, GraphQL


Model View Controller (MVC), Search Engine Optimization (SEO), MVC Design, Kanban, Object-oriented Programming (OOP), Agile, B2B, Scrum


HubSpot, WordPress, Joomla, WooCommerce, Windows, Linux, Linux Mint, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Marketo, WordPress VIP, cPanel, MacOS, Drupal, Webflow CMS, Webflow, Docker, DigitalOcean, Droplets


MySQL, JSON, Microsoft SQL Server, Memcached, WP Engine, MongoDB

Industry Expertise

Project Management, Web Design


WordPress Plugins, API Integration, Content Management Systems (CMS), Front-end, HTML to WordPress, WordPress Themes, WordPress eCommerce, AI to WordPress, WordPress Multisite, Sketch to WordPress, WordPress Optimization, Bootstrap to WordPress, WordPress Page Builder, Events, Responsive Design, WordPress Design, Elementor, Performance Optimization, Pipelines, Booking Systems, Sage WordPress Theme, WordPress Multi-user, SEO Audits, SEO Tools, Google Search Console, APIs, iTerm2, HubDB, Web Project Management, Marketing Mix, Projects, Business Law, Business Management, Finance, Human Resources (HR), Tax Accounting, B2C Marketing, PHP Frameworks, Analytics, Bookkeeping, PSD to WordPress, Servers, HubSpot CRM, HubSpot Marketing Hub, RSS Feeds, Plugins, WooCommerce Subscriptions 2, Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, HubSpot API, Jira Administration, ACH Payments, CSV, Axios, Bcrypt, Cookies

Collaboration That Works

How to Work with Toptal



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